Wednesday, February 28, 2007

The Wheels are Coming Off...Literally.

For the last few weeks I've been dealing with the steering wheel in my car vibrating at annoying levels. It was so bad that my keys would vibrate as well, and I'd have to hold them in order not to go insane and start running people off the road.

Anyway, my first thought is to take them to a local tire place and have them rotated and balanced. Start simple and work my way up, and if there's something more serious going on then they would notice. That's what I told myself. So I get that done, pay my money (36 dollars), and drive off.

Well, wouldn't you fucking know it? My steering wheel is still vibrating. Obviously, the balance and rotation did nothing. (More on this later.) A week later (yesterday) I call my local dealership and have them look at it (Staying vague about the problems so they can fish it out more.) It turns out that I have a bent right front wheel. Hey, and it's only 517 dollars! Wow! A bargain!

Oddly, the service manager words it in a way that suggests that he actually fixed it for free. (I have witnesses, I'm not insane.) So, I hop in my car and off I go. I'm guessing you can see where this sordid tale is going. Nothing had changed, except the exponential rate that my blood pressure was rising...and that twitching in my right eye that suggests I might start going Private Pyle on my respective Gny. Sgt. Hartman car people.

Finally, today, I go back to the dealership for clarification. (Yes, I would need to get a new wheel.) I re-affirm which wheel is the problem (front - right), and try to find a cheaper wheel.

Lo-and-behold, I do find a place that can get a reconditioned wheel for about 200 bucks cheaper, but wants to check it out first. I take it in, and the first thing the manager says is, "Well, we took the right front off, but that one is fine. Are you sure it's that one?" So, after having them check all the tires, we discover it's the front - left wheel. (Not that right, your other right.) After moving that wheel to the back, he throws in another nice tidbit. "Yeah, and your wheels weren't balanced either, so we did that for you." So, now he is searching for a wheel for me.

Let's review.
  1. I take car to get a balance and rotation done at a place called Tireville.
  2. Rubes at Tireville "finish the job" but don't notice any problems.
  3. There is a problem.
  4. Not only is there a problem, but they didn't even balance the wheels.
  5. Never go to Tireville.
  6. ??????
  7. Profit
Update: Because I'm sure the two people who read this REALLY care. "New" wheel tomorrow. 300 bucks. Excelsior!


Unknown said...

I once had a car with 3 bent rims (insert drunken driving joke here). I solved that problem by trading it in (and laying off the Morgan on occasion).

LaziestMovieCriticofAllTime said...

You're an inspiration to us all.

Anonymous said...

Wow, and I thought mechanics only screwed women! I'll take some comfort in knowing they take advantage of both genders.