Thursday, March 15, 2007

Hey, why not one more?

Another reason to visit Eastern Europe: Lewandowsky-Lutz dysplasia. A delightful little disease where hard growths sprout from lesions on the skin. What causes it? Who knows?

There are some pluses to this situation:
  • It does sort of resemble Doomsday from Superman.
  • Probably gives really good back scratches.
  • Impresses the ladies.
  • Uhh...hmm.
I found this man, and other than his hands and feet, he looked and seemed in good health. As best as I could gather these growths began when he was 14 years old, and began in the area of his wrists. The skin on his wrists and the back of his hands resembles that of a hedgehog - hundreds of spike like growths. The problem is much more severe on his palms and fingers where the growths resemble very much that of nails infected with a fungus. The growths have that same texture, smell and feel. I cut a number of the largest growths off, most of witch did not bleed. Some of the smaller growths did bleed a small amount and he seemed much more sensitive to the cutting of the smaller growths.

From: Here

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Nipple Foot Meet Arm Penis

My apparently new obsession with human oddities continues with arm penis. According to the article, though, this was done artifically:
The doctors had the penis removed and attached to the man’s arm. Using his body tissue it grew to six-and-a-half inches and was sewn back on to his groin. Silicone tubes were inserted into the organ to ensure an erection was possible. Doctors also created a scrotum from the patient’s own skin and placed silicone testicles in it.
There's actually so many jokes going through my head right now, I'm going to just leave it to you to make one up. Enjoy the wonders of ARM PENIS!

From: Mosnews

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Strange Things are Afoot

Come one come all and see the amazing foot nipple! Amaze your friends! Not for the faint of heart! Stimulation with every step! A foot fetishist's nightmare fuel dream.

From: Dermatology Online Journal

The Picks

As many know, I'm defending NCAA pool champion.

Click for the full view of victory. No cheating.

Monday, March 12, 2007

300: A Review

There's been a lot of anticipation for the latest Frank Miller (see: Sin City) graphic novel adaptation: 300. While technically the story is based on the...well, it doesn't even matter, because this makes no attempt at being historically accurate and really isn't the point. The story starts with a "Persian" messenger warning the king of SPARRTTAAA, Leonidas, to kneel before the Persian Empire. Obviously, Leonidas, a grumpy kind of guy who tends not to wear armor during battle, isn't in the mood to bargain with the most African looking Persian I've ever seen. (Perhaps he was confused by this) and kicks the messenger down a bottomless pit. (Which is madness!)

Unfortunately for Leon, before he can send his troops to war he must consult a council of elders. They, in turn, consult an oracle. (By oracle I mean hot, naked chick) She writhes around for awhile before breathlessly whispering that war is not an option. Bummer! This leads a completely sad and completely naked Leon to pine the state of the empire before laying the pine to the Queen a few minutes later. (Heavy is the brow that wears the crown, indeed.)

Luckily for SPARRRRTAAA!, the king is quite cunning and is able to circumvent the Oracle's whims and takes his finest 300 troops (get it? get it?) on a nice stroll through the mountains and rough terrain to the sea, where coincidentally, the Persians are going to land! What a lucky break! Along the way, they run into Quasimodo, who fancies himself a Spartan. (Go back home, Frenchie!) Needless to say, he gets kicked out faster than a SPARRRTAAAAN! can chuck a spear at an enemy from 30 paces.

What follows next is a lot of battle scenes set to heavy metal music. It's also very much like a video game in the sense that it seems that there are "boss battles." Level 1 they face a mindless horde. Level 2 they face a giant. Level 3 they face an unnerving amount of estrogen, etc. During these battles we get to meet the Persian king Xerxes. I would say he's about 9 to 12 feet tall, blacker than Wesley Snipes, and about twice as effeminate as RuPaul. Just what you picture in a Persian.

There's sort of a plot in there somewhere, but it's really secondary to slow motion shots of people being beheaded, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. The violence and cinematography is highly stylized and it looks like the comic book jumping right off the page. Much like Sin City, many shots (and most dialogue) are taken straight from the book. It is definitely one of the highlights of the film; however, Robert Rodriguez handles the Sin City material better than Zach Snyder handles 300. This makes sense because Rodriguez is a better director. Oh yeah, and Faramir loses his eye.

All in all, I'd say go see it. I bet it will look awesome in Hi-Def.