There are some pluses to this situation:
- It does sort of resemble Doomsday from Superman.
- Probably gives really good back scratches.
- Impresses the ladies.
- Uhh...hmm.
I found this man, and other than his hands and feet, he looked and seemed in good health. As best as I could gather these growths began when he was 14 years old, and began in the area of his wrists. The skin on his wrists and the back of his hands resembles that of a hedgehog - hundreds of spike like growths. The problem is much more severe on his palms and fingers where the growths resemble very much that of nails infected with a fungus. The growths have that same texture, smell and feel. I cut a number of the largest growths off, most of witch did not bleed. Some of the smaller growths did bleed a small amount and he seemed much more sensitive to the cutting of the smaller growths.
From: Here
Where and how do you find these things? Not that I want to duplicate your efforts, I'm just curious where one would find this disgusting information.
On the Intrawebs.
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